Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Installation of Carbon Monoxide Detectors

The Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 now mandates the installation of carbon monoxide detectors in all residential buildings that have (i) a fuel burning appliance; (ii) a fireplace; or (iii) a storage garage (i.e. parking garage). If a building has six (6) or more residential suites, carbon monoxide detectors must be installed by October 15, 2015. For buildings with less the six (6) residential units, the date for compliance was April 15, 2015.
The following requirements apply to the installation of carbon monoxide detectors:
  1. For suites with a fuel-burning appliance or a fireplace, a carbon monoxide detector must be installed adjacent to each bedroom in the suite;
  2. If a fuel-burning appliance associated with building services is installed in a building but not within a residential suite, a carbon monoxide detector must be installed adjacent to each bedroom in each suite that has a common wall or a common floor or ceiling assembly with the service room or area where the appliance is installed.
  3. If the building has a garage, a carbon monoxide detector must be installed adjacent to each bedroom in each suite that has a common wall or common floor/ceiling assembly with the garage.
 Source: http://www.mondaq.com/canada/x/371604/real+estate/Monthy+Tips+February+2015

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